Model 1061 – SEM Mill for SEM Sample Preparation
The 1061 is a state-of-the-art ion milling and polishing system for producing the highest quality SEM samples. Designed for creating pristine cross-section samples with the optional in situ Cross-section station.
Key Features
- Two independently adjustable TrueFocus ion sources
- Independently adjustable beam diameters ~100% ionisation efficiency
- High-energy operation for rapid milling
- Low-energy operation for sample polishing
- Adjustable milling angle range of 0° to 10°
- Adjustable energy range from 100 eV to 10 kV
- Ion beam spot size range from 300 ?m to 5 mm
- Beam current density up to 10 mA/cm2
- Milling rates in excess of 500 ?m/hour
- Manual and extremely precise milling angle adjustment
Chamber & Vacuum system
Vacuum or inert gas transfer capsule (optional)
- In situ viewing and image capture during milling
- Microscope and camera options
- Fully integrated liquid nitrogen-cooled sample stage (optional)
- Quick sample transfer via a vacuum load lock
Sample Stage and Size
The SEM Mill accepts the following sample sizes:
- Cross section
- Maximum – 10 x 10 x 4.0 mm
- Minimum – 3 x 3 x 0.7 mm
- Planar
- 32 (dia) x 25 (height) mm
- Sample rocking or rotation
- Automatic sample thickness sensing for maximum throughput
- Magnetic encoding for absolute positioning accuracy.
- Automatic and manual termination by time or temperature
- Touch screen control with a self-intuitive SW for automated, unattended operation and Programmable sample motion
- Software controlled ion beam energy, milling angle, specimen motion, specimen position, and process termination
- Adjustable 10-inch touch screen with a user-friendly interface for simple setup of milling parameters
- Allows for creating multi-step milling sequences including the automatic adjustment of milling angles throughout the milling process
- Other software features; Managing specimen data, maintenance and log files, and image storage, as well as remote access to oversee milling operations